
Abortion Pill Frequently Asked Questions
Question: How Much Does the Abortion Pill Cost?
The typical cost of the abortion pill ranges from $350 to $700, and it may be even higher depending on the provider. For the information you need, determine how far along you are in your pregnancy with our complimentary ultrasound services.
Question: How Can I Get the Abortion Pill?
Answer: You can get an abortion pill either through an abortion provider’s clinic or by an online mail source. For mail order, in most cases, a telehealth appointment is required and the medication for the abortion is sent directly to you without an in-person physical examination. A physical examination is important because it dates the pregnancy, rules out ectopic pregnancy, and determines viability (if you are at risk for miscarriage).
Question: What are “Missed Period Pills?
Answer: sed period pill is another name for the abortion pill. Some people may think it might help them psychologically if they’re unsure about abortion. Regardless of its name, you should know that it is an abortion.